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Content Writing

Content writing is writing about any topic given by the client for the goals set by the client. For example, one can write articles for a website’s blog to highlight the main service of that website. This type of content writing achieves the goal of adding more information about that service in that website, plus adding new and good content to that website gives a boost to its traffic as well. The job of a content writer is to write good content as per the requirements given by the client and suit their needs. If I'm asked to write an article for a client’s website highlighting the automotive industry in today’s ecommerce era, I would research the automotive industry, ecommerce trends in India, general buying/selling trends in India, and anything that can help me write an informative piece of content. I'll use this research to draft a piece that suits the needs of the client, which can be about increasing the authority of the website on the said subject matter. I'll use relevant images and keywords to make this piece SEO-friendly, because after all my piece is going to be online. And I'll submit it to the client after formatting it properly. Maybe someone else will put their name on my piece once it's online, but I'll be happy because I know that it came from me. Not feeling bad about your work credited to someone else is another job of a content writer

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Public Speaking

Think about a time that you had to stand in front of a bunch of people and tell them something. Maybe it was an oral report in grade school or a proposal at work. After gathering your materials and preparing what to say, you arrived at the podium and started talking. That, my friend, is public speaking, and it involves communicating information before a large audience. What makes public speaking different than, say, just talking to a crowd of people, is in the way information is conveyed. In public speaking, the information is purposeful and meant to inform, influence or entertain a group of listeners. There are five elements of public speaking, and it basically boils down to who is saying what to whom using what medium with what effect. In other words, who is the source of the message. What is the message itself. Whom is the audience, while the medium is the actual delivery method and ending in the effect. Think of the effect as the speaker's intent for the speech. Public speaking dates back centuries, yet still remains one of the most important skills we can acquire in modern times. So, why is it so important to know

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Tourism Industry

Tourism industry therefore can be defined as the set of industries which facilitate by providing infrastructure and products and services and make possible travelling for different purposes and travelling to places of leisure and business interests. Tourism industry is all about providing necessary means to assist tourists throughout their travelling. There are two ways to look at the definition of tourism industry, demand side and supply side. By the definition of tourism, it is an activity of tourists or people travelling for some purpose and it includes all the things they do during their travel. This way tourism as industry becomes the sum of all the products and services consumed or used by tourists which directly and indirectly support their tourism activity. This way, travel bookings, transportation, hotel stay, food, destination visits, etc., all become part of tourism. The supply side is just looking at the other side of this. So, the supply side tourism industry definition is the sum of all the industries which provide all the products and services which make directly and indirectly help tourists in their travel and make it possible for people to travel and do tourism activity. The industry is also referred to as travel and tourism industry and also simply as travel industry. Travel is although little different and does not always mean tourism yet tourism industry is often called as travel industry. This is due to the fact that in business, monetary and economics terms travel is usually considered as tourism.